Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems
SOPC Edition
Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems SOPC Edition provides an exciting
and challenging laboratory component for undergraduate digital logic and
computer design courses using FPGAs and CAD tools for simulation and hardware
implementation. The more advanced topics and exercises also make this text
useful for upper level courses in digital logic, programmable logic, and
embedded systems. This new version of the widely used Rapid Prototyping
of Digital Systems, Quartus II Edition, now uses Altera's new 7.1 Quartus
II CAD tool and includes laboratory projects for all of Altera's educational
FPGA boards (UP1, UP2, UP3, DE1, and DE2). Student laboratory projects
provided on the book's DVD include video graphics and text, mouse and keyboard
input, and three computer designs. Projects have also been ported to the
new DE1 and DE2 boards. New to this edition is coverage of Operating System
(OS) support for SOPC design using uClinux including a version of uClinux
that runs on the DE1 and DE2 boards.
Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems SOPC Edition includes four
tutorials on the Altera Quartus II and NIOS II tool environment, an overview
of programmable logic, and IP cores with several easy-to-use input and
output functions. These features were developed to help students get started
quickly. Early design examples use schematic capture and IP cores developed
for the Altera UP FPGA boards. VHDL is used for more complex designs after
a short introduction to VHDL-based synthesis. New to this edition is an
overview of System-on-a-Programmable Chip (SOPC) technology and SOPC design
examples for the UP3, DE2, and DE1 using Altera's new NIOS II Processor
hardware and C software development tools. A full set of Altera's FPGA
CAD tools is included on the book's DVD.
Above: Altera's DE2 board running
the uClinux example from the book's DVD. A DE1 uClinux example is also
Above: Some other example projects included in the textbook.
from Springer Publishers
this page into other languages (computer translation tool)
copies for course instructors
of Contents
Errata and Software Update Page
missing the DVD?
DE2 Design Examples (also UP3
and DE1)
Slides (all figures and tables from book)
Useful Reference Texts
Book's Website
Link to Amazon.com
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at hamblen@ece.gatech.edu
This web page is not associated with or sponsored by Altera
Corporation. Altera is a trademark and service mark of Altera Corporation
in the United States and other countries. Altera products are the
intellectual property of Altera Corporation and are protected by copyright
laws and one or more U.S. and foreign patents and patent applications.