Help Topics
for WinTim32

Edit Menu

    The Edit menu offers the following commands:

    Undo                         Reverse previous editing operation.
    Cut                            Deletes data from the document and moves it to the clipboard.
    Copy                         Copies data from the document to the clipboard.
    Paste                         Pastes data from the clipboard into the document.
    Paste Special              Inserts and embeds an object, such as a chart or an equation, from the clipboard.
    Select All                   Select the entire open document.
    Delete                       Delete the selected text.
    Find                          Find the specified text.
    Find Next                  Repeat the last Find.
    Replace                     Replace specified text with different text.
    Go to line                  Jump to a specified line number.
    Insert New Object      Inserts and embeds an object, such as a chart or an equation, in a document.
    Links                        List and edit links to embedded objects.
    Object Properties       Displays the properties of a selected object.
    Object                      Activates embedded or linked object.