LFSR testbench - last updated July 5th, 2000.
Updated 07/05/2000 - version 1.10 fixes the schematic feedback paths when the
'extended-sequence logic' is used. HDL generation was correct and has not
changed. Thanks for Rick Collins for bringing that to my
05/22/2000 - version 1.00 fixes the HDL code
generation - looks good now.
Updated 02/03/2000 - version 0.41
improves the GUI.
05/30/2000 - new LVDS page.
LFSRs are pretty well known and understood. You can
find numerous descriptions in the literature and on the net.
My contribution
is LFSR testbench 1.10 (154KB) software. It will help you understand LFSR basics:
Note that the software always produces non-parameterized
LFSR designs, so here's an example of a
parameterized one (AHDL).
LFSR related links:
What's an LFSR? (PDF TI article), LFSR counters (EDN PDF) and LFSR (EDN HTM).
Nice books:
Bebop to the Boolean Boogie (excellent description about LFSRs and their applications - page 351) and HDL Chip Design (good LFSR description, excellent HDL book).
Contact me? jn@lords.com - or get back to
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