#ifndef __COMMON_H__ #define __COMMON_H__ #include "BasicTyp.h" #include "usb_irq.h" //************************************************************************* // macros //************************************************************************* #define SWAP(x) (x) #define MSB(x) (((x) >> 8) & 0xFF) #define LSB(x) ((x) & 0xFF) #define RaiseIRQL() disable() #define LowerIRQL() enable() #define NULL_LENGTH 0xff //************************************************************************* // structure and union definitions //************************************************************************* #define DEV_BEHAVIOUR_NOT_SPECIFIED 0 typedef union _USBCHECK_DEVICE_STATES { struct _USBCHECK_FLAGS { unsigned char DEVICE_DEFAULT_STATE : 1; unsigned char DEVICE_ADDRESS_STATE : 1; unsigned char DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_STATE : 1; unsigned char DEVICE_INTERFACE_STATE : 1; unsigned char FOUR_RESERVED_BITS : 8; unsigned char RESET_BITS : 8; }State_bits; unsigned char MY_WAY; }USBCHECK_DEVICE_STATES; typedef union _D13FLAGS { struct _D13FSM_FLAGS { // Byte 0 IRQL_1 UCHAR bus_reset : 1; IRQL_1 UCHAR suspend : 1; IRQL_1 UCHAR At_IRQL1 : 1; IRQL_0 UCHAR configuration : 1; IRQL_0 UCHAR remote_wakeup : 1; IRQL_0 UCHAR Reserved00 : 3; // Byte 1 IRQL_1 UCHAR DCP_state : 4; IRQL_1 UCHAR DCP_IOorMEM : 1; IRQL_1 UCHAR ISO_state : 3; // Byte 2 IRQL_1 UCHAR setup_dma : 1; IRQL_1 UCHAR control_write_processed : 1; IRQL_1 UCHAR dma_disable : 1; IRQL_1 UCHAR dma_state : 2; IRQL_1 UCHAR toggle_bit_corrected : 1; IRQL_1 UCHAR control_out_done : 1; IRQL_0 UCHAR Reserved20 : 1; // Byte 3 IRQL_1 UCHAR verbose : 1; IRQL_1 UCHAR timer : 1; IRQL_1 UCHAR dbg : 1; IRQL_1 UCHAR Reserved30 : 5; } bits; ULONG value; } D13FLAGS; typedef struct _device_request { UCHAR bmRequestType; UCHAR bRequest; unsigned short int wValue; unsigned short int wIndex; unsigned short int wLength; } DEVICE_REQUEST; // ****************************************************************************** typedef struct _IO_REQUEST { USHORT uAddressL; UCHAR bAddressH; USHORT uSize; UCHAR bCommand; } IO_REQUEST, *PIO_REQUEST; //******************************************************************************* #define MAX_CONTROLDATA_SIZE 16 typedef struct _CONTROL_XFER { IRQL_1 BOOLEAN Abort; /*Indicate this transfer shall be aborted ASAP*/ IRQL_1 DEVICE_REQUEST DeviceRequest; IRQL_1 USHORT wLength; IRQL_1 USHORT wCount; IRQL_1 ADDRESS Addr; IRQL_1 UCHAR dataBuffer[MAX_CONTROLDATA_SIZE]; } CONTROL_XFER, * PCONTROL_XFER; // FSM for Default Control Pipe #define USBFSM4DCP_IDLE 0x0 #define USBFSM4DCP_DATAIN 0x1 #define USBFSM4DCP_DATAOUT 0x2 #define USBFSM4DCP_REQUESTPROC 0x3 #define USBFSM4DCP_HANDSHAKE 0x4 #define USBFSM4DCP_SETUPPROC 0x5 #define USBFSM4DCP_REQUESTPROC1 0x6 #define USBFSM4DCP_STALL 0x7 #define USBFSM4DCP_REQUESTPROC2 0x8 #define USBFSM4DCP_REQUESTPROC3 0x9 #define USBFSM4DCP_CONTROLOUTDONE 0x0A #endif