//Legal Notice: (C)2006 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Your //use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions and other //software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic functions, and any //output files any of the foregoing (including device programming or //simulation files), and any associated documentation or information are //expressly subject to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program //License Subscription Agreement or other applicable license agreement, //including, without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose //of programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by Altera //or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the applicable //agreement for further details. // synthesis translate_off `timescale 1ns / 1ps // synthesis translate_on // turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings // altera message_level Level1 // altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 module sdram_0_test_component_ram_module ( // inputs: data, rdaddress, rdclken, wraddress, wrclock, wren, // outputs: q ) ; output [ 15: 0] q; input [ 15: 0] data; input [ 21: 0] rdaddress; input rdclken; input [ 21: 0] wraddress; input wrclock; input wren; reg [ 15: 0] mem_array [4194303: 0]; wire [ 15: 0] q; reg [ 21: 0] read_address; //synthesis translate_off //////////////// SIMULATION-ONLY CONTENTS always @(rdaddress) begin if (1) read_address <= rdaddress; end // Data read is asynchronous. assign q = mem_array[read_address]; initial $readmemh("sdram_0.dat", mem_array); always @(posedge wrclock) begin // Write data if (wren) mem_array[wraddress] <= data; end //////////////// END SIMULATION-ONLY CONTENTS //synthesis translate_on //synthesis read_comments_as_HDL on // always @(rdaddress) // begin // if (1) // read_address <= rdaddress; // end // // // lpm_ram_dp lpm_ram_dp_component // ( // .data (data), // .q (q), // .rdaddress (read_address), // .rdclken (rdclken), // .wraddress (wraddress), // .wrclock (wrclock), // .wren (wren) // ); // // defparam lpm_ram_dp_component.lpm_file = "UNUSED", // lpm_ram_dp_component.lpm_hint = "USE_EAB=ON", // lpm_ram_dp_component.lpm_indata = "REGISTERED", // lpm_ram_dp_component.lpm_outdata = "UNREGISTERED", // lpm_ram_dp_component.lpm_rdaddress_control = "UNREGISTERED", // lpm_ram_dp_component.lpm_width = 16, // lpm_ram_dp_component.lpm_widthad = 22, // lpm_ram_dp_component.lpm_wraddress_control = "REGISTERED", // lpm_ram_dp_component.suppress_memory_conversion_warnings = "ON"; // //synthesis read_comments_as_HDL off endmodule // turn off superfluous verilog processor warnings // altera message_level Level1 // altera message_off 10034 10035 10036 10037 10230 10240 10030 module sdram_0_test_component ( // inputs: clk, zs_addr, zs_ba, zs_cas_n, zs_cke, zs_cs_n, zs_dqm, zs_ras_n, zs_we_n, // outputs: zs_dq ) ; inout [ 15: 0] zs_dq; input clk; input [ 11: 0] zs_addr; input [ 1: 0] zs_ba; input zs_cas_n; input zs_cke; input zs_cs_n; input [ 1: 0] zs_dqm; input zs_ras_n; input zs_we_n; wire [ 23: 0] CODE; wire [ 11: 0] a; wire [ 7: 0] addr_col; reg [ 13: 0] addr_crb; wire [ 1: 0] ba; wire cas_n; wire cke; wire [ 2: 0] cmd_code; wire cs_n; wire [ 1: 0] dqm; wire [ 2: 0] index; reg [ 2: 0] latency; wire [ 1: 0] mask; wire [ 15: 0] mem_bytes; wire ras_n; reg [ 21: 0] rd_addr_pipe_0; reg [ 21: 0] rd_addr_pipe_1; reg [ 21: 0] rd_addr_pipe_2; reg [ 1: 0] rd_mask_pipe_0; reg [ 1: 0] rd_mask_pipe_1; reg [ 1: 0] rd_mask_pipe_2; reg [ 2: 0] rd_valid_pipe; wire [ 21: 0] read_addr; wire [ 15: 0] read_data; wire [ 1: 0] read_mask; wire [ 15: 0] read_temp; wire read_valid; wire [ 15: 0] rmw_temp; wire [ 21: 0] test_addr; wire [ 23: 0] txt_code; wire we_n; wire [ 15: 0] zs_dq; initial begin $write("\n"); $write("************************************************************\n"); $write("This testbench includes an SOPC Builder Generated Altera model:\n"); $write("'sdram_0_test_component.v', to simulate accesses to SDRAM.\n"); $write("Initial contents are loaded from the file: 'sdram_0.dat'.\n"); $write("************************************************************\n"); end //Synchronous write when (CODE == 24'h205752 (write)) sdram_0_test_component_ram_module sdram_0_test_component_ram ( .data (rmw_temp), .q (read_data), .rdaddress ((CODE == 24'h205752) ? test_addr : read_addr), .rdclken (1'b1), .wraddress (test_addr), .wrclock (clk), .wren (CODE == 24'h205752) ); assign cke = zs_cke; assign cs_n = zs_cs_n; assign ras_n = zs_ras_n; assign cas_n = zs_cas_n; assign we_n = zs_we_n; assign dqm = zs_dqm; assign ba = zs_ba; assign a = zs_addr; assign cmd_code = {ras_n, cas_n, we_n}; assign CODE = (&cs_n) ? 24'h494e48 : txt_code; assign addr_col = a[7 : 0]; assign test_addr = {addr_crb, addr_col}; assign mem_bytes = read_data; assign rmw_temp[7 : 0] = dqm[0] ? mem_bytes[7 : 0] : zs_dq[7 : 0]; assign rmw_temp[15 : 8] = dqm[1] ? mem_bytes[15 : 8] : zs_dq[15 : 8]; // Handle Input. always @(posedge clk) begin // No Activity of Clock Disabled if (cke) begin // LMR: Get CAS_Latency. if (CODE == 24'h4c4d52) latency <= a[6 : 4]; // ACT: Get Row/Bank Address. if (CODE == 24'h414354) addr_crb <= {ba[1], a, ba[0]}; rd_valid_pipe[2] <= rd_valid_pipe[1]; rd_valid_pipe[1] <= rd_valid_pipe[0]; rd_valid_pipe[0] <= CODE == 24'h205244; rd_addr_pipe_2 <= rd_addr_pipe_1; rd_addr_pipe_1 <= rd_addr_pipe_0; rd_addr_pipe_0 <= test_addr; rd_mask_pipe_2 <= rd_mask_pipe_1; rd_mask_pipe_1 <= rd_mask_pipe_0; rd_mask_pipe_0 <= dqm; end end assign read_temp[7 : 0] = mask[0] ? 8'bz : read_data[7 : 0]; assign read_temp[15 : 8] = mask[1] ? 8'bz : read_data[15 : 8]; //use index to select which pipeline stage drives addr assign read_addr = (index == 0)? rd_addr_pipe_0 : (index == 1)? rd_addr_pipe_1 : rd_addr_pipe_2; //use index to select which pipeline stage drives mask assign read_mask = (index == 0)? rd_mask_pipe_0 : (index == 1)? rd_mask_pipe_1 : rd_mask_pipe_2; //use index to select which pipeline stage drives valid assign read_valid = (index == 0)? rd_valid_pipe[0] : (index == 1)? rd_valid_pipe[1] : rd_valid_pipe[2]; assign index = latency - 1'b1; assign mask = read_mask; assign zs_dq = read_valid ? read_temp : {16{1'bz}}; //synthesis translate_off //////////////// SIMULATION-ONLY CONTENTS assign txt_code = (cmd_code == 3'h0)? 24'h4c4d52 : (cmd_code == 3'h1)? 24'h415246 : (cmd_code == 3'h2)? 24'h505245 : (cmd_code == 3'h3)? 24'h414354 : (cmd_code == 3'h4)? 24'h205752 : (cmd_code == 3'h5)? 24'h205244 : (cmd_code == 3'h6)? 24'h425354 : (cmd_code == 3'h7)? 24'h4e4f50 : 24'h424144; //////////////// END SIMULATION-ONLY CONTENTS //synthesis translate_on endmodule