Roman,Times">        The top two VHDL source code lines in figure 1.11 will not appear until this text is added as per instructions on the following page.

Page 19
        Second paragraph. There is only one occurrence of _module_name (in Verilog)

Page 23
        Middle of page. Software menu name has changed.  Change "MAX+PLUS II=> Floorplanner" to "MAX+PLUS II=> Floorplan Editor"

Page 24
        Near bottom of page. Some software versions may now require that you unselect Functional SNF extractor to switch back to the Timing SNF extractor.

Page 64
        Second paragraph, first sentence. Delete "provide"

Page 124
        Paragraph under figure 8.6 change "contents of A and stores the result in A" to "contents of AC and stores the result in AC"
        Insert this sentence in the last paragraph after the first sentence,
"(The operation MAR=PC is actually moved from fetch to the final execute state in the example UP1 VHDL code to save a clock cycle.)"

Page 127
        In Figure 8.9, the signal labeled "register_A" should be labeled "register_AC"

Text Errata - First Printing
(corrected in Second Printing of 1/2000)
Note: A Second printing confirmation note can be found just below the copyright notice
on the back of the title page. If the line is blank, you have the first printing.

Page 5
        equation should read:
         "LED =  PB1 + PB2"

Page 12
        After Figure 1.10, insert the following line of text:
        "Verify that the device jumpers are set for the FLEX chip as shown in Table 1.2"

Page 89
        VHDL port declaration for product is missing a space between OUT and STD_LOGIC_VECTOR

Page 106
        In Figure 7.6, the left branch from Ain should read "d1" not "1d". In the lower right the labels
        for the S3 decision block, "0" and "1" are swapped.

Page 109
        last WHEN in VHDL code is missing a ">" after the "="

Page 124
        FETCH equation in text should read IR=MDR (not MAR!):
         "PC=PC+1, MAR=PC, read memory, IR=MDR"

Insert this sentence in the last paragraph after the first sentence,
"(The operation MAR=PC is actually moved from fetch to the final execute state in the example UP1 VHDL code to save a clock cycle.)"
Page 198
        In Figure 13.1, the data memory mux at bottom right has the 0 and 1 inputs swapped.

Page 199
        In Figure 13.2, near the bottom just to the right of the leftmost pipeline register, is missing a line that connects the Instruction bus to the signals, Instruction[20-16] and Instruction[15-11]. They do not just connect to the write data line.

Software Updates for All Printings

New Altera UP 1X and UP 2 Boards
Altera has just released a new board called the UP 2. This new board is identical to the older UP 1X, but it is a new lower cost PCB layout. For UP 1X or UP 2 boards, you must compile for a larger FLEX 10K70 Device. The book's designs should work without problems after recompiling for the larger device (use ASSIGN DEVICE to change it). You will need to install the new Altera student version 10.1 software to support these larger devices.

Be sure to turn off the read-only file attribute if you use Windows to copy the example design files from the CD-ROM. The Altera tools will generate several file errors and not function correctly if the read only file attribute is set. This is not a problem if the DOS copy command is used. Also don't forget to copy the vhd.dll patch file on the CD-ROM to the Maxplus directory. Details are in the Index.htm instruction file on the CD-ROM.

Windows 2000 note: On our machine, the Altera student version will install, compile, and simulate. The byteblaster programming interface used to download the UP 1 board is not recognized so the UP 1 board cannot be downloaded. Only the WIN2000 byteblaster driver in MAXPLUS II 10 or later will work. This driver has to be manually installed just like in Windows NT.

Chapter 7 - You will need a new version of the train.acf file to see the video display. The pin assignments for the video signals are missing on the CDROM version of this file.

Chapter 12 - There is a new version of the robot IR proximity sensor VHDL code in the file ir_sensor.vhd. The CD-ROM version of this file does not function correctly with the new Altera tools.

Chapter 13 - If you use a vector file for MIPS simulations and do not use the *.scf file provided or are using one of the more recent versions of MAXPLUS, you will need a new version of the file, top_spim.vec.

If you are using MaxPlus version 9.3 or higher instead of the student version on the CD-ROM, some LPM parameters such as LPM_numwords have been changed from strings to integers - you can fix this by just removing the quote marks on the LPM parameters that generate an error. One such LPM error occurs in the memory LPM blocks in the book's designs. If you are using MaxPlus version 9.5 or 9.6 and you get "fatal fitter errors" or "will not fit" you should turn off the new Quartus fitter settings. Open a compiler window and this option is under Processing -> Fitter Settings. Anytime you get an internal error in MaxPlus it is probably best to exit and re-start.

MAXPLUS II version 10 is being tested.  We have run several of the Altera UP1 designs with video on version 10 and have downloaded them using Windows 2000 - so far everything works. The bouncing ball video demo program needed some bit width changes - any program with a VHDL less than or greater than test that does not have the same number of bits on each side will need a change - another warning that is now an error! This one just says bit width error and does not point out the line. The parameter lpm_numwords on memory is not a string anymore just like version 9.3 and greater (it's now an integer so just delete the quotes - you will see this in the computer and character ROM lpm memory calls). On 2000, after installing version 10, you have to manually add the byteblaster driver at c:/maxplus2/drivers/win2000 (and the NT based instructions are a bit out of date on this on 2000 - still a media device for some reason). We did not have to turn off the Quartus fitter anymore. One new thing: The programming file automatically changes to the current project.sof - saves all of that complex JTAG menu stuff to change the file name! - a big time saver. If you run MAXPLUS II version 10 and you need the book's design files for WIN2000 send us an email or get the CD-ROM from the second edition of the book.

Authorization code for software (install software first and obtain disk serial#)

Student UP 1 Board Order Form

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