Spec95 Benchmark Command Lines

Info on the SPEC benchmark programs can be found at:

All files are located in /usr/local/units/ca219/spec95 in their respective directories, and can be run from these locations


applu.ss < applu.in

or as a full command

simtool ~ca219/spec95/applu/applu.ss < ~ca219/spec95/applu/applu.in

Creates output files in the working directory.



or as a full command

cp ~ca219/spec95/apsi/apsi.in .
and then
simtool ~ca219/spec95/apsi/apsi.ss

The "apsi.in" file must be present in the working directory (see below).


compress.ss <test.in

or as a full command

simtool ~ca219/spec95/compress/compress.ss <~ca219/spec95/compress/test.in



cc1.ss -O2 test.i -o ~/test.s

or as a full command

simtool ~ca219/spec95/gcc/cc1.ss -O2 ~ca219/spec95/gcc/test.i -o ~/test.s

Creates output file test.s in your home directory. See what changing the -O flag does to the execution profile


go.ss 1 8 start8.in

or as a full command

simtool ~ca219/spec95/go/go.ss 1 8 ~ca219/spec95/go/start8.in



li.ss test.lsp

or as a full command

simtool ~ca219/spec95/li/li.ss ~ca219/spec95/li/test.lsp



perl.ss primes.pl primes.in

or as a full command

simtool ~ca219/spec95/perl/perl.ss ~ca219/spec95/perl/primes.pl ~ca219/spec95/perl/primes.in



swim.ss < swim.in

or as a full command

simtool ca219/spec95/swim/swim.ss < ca219/spec95/swim/swim.in



tomcatv.ss < tomcatv.in

or as a full command

cp ~ca219/spec95/tomcatv/TOMCATV.MODEL .
and then
simtool ~ca219/spec95/tomcatv/tomcatv.ss < ~ca219/spec95/tomcatv/tomcatv.in

The "TOMCATV.MODEL" file must be present in the WORKING directory (copy it to the current directory as described below)


wave5.ss < wave5.in

or as a full command

simtool ~ca219/spec95/wave5/wave5.ss < ~ca219/spec95/wave5/wave5.in

Creates output files in the WORKING directory.

In the examples above "simtool" should be replaced by one of the simulators from the Simplescalar suite, eg sim-profile, sim-fast or sim-outorder (followed by any parameters you need to pass to it)

The "working directory" is the current directory (which is not necessarily the location of the benchmark being run). If you type "cd" or "cd ~" then you change the working directory to your home directory. You can find the current working directory by typing "pwd". For files that create output files in the working directory, you will need to be in a directory to which you have write permission (ie your home directory or a sub-directory of it). Also, if you wish to pipe the output of the benchmark being run (since you are only really interested in the output of the simulator) to a file, using " > outfilename" then you will need to be in a working directory where you can write/create files. Alternatively, if you wish to completely ignore the output of the benchmark program you could pipe it to /dev/null (in which case it disappears without a trace).

When certain files are required to be in the current working directory (as with tomcatv and apsi), copy them using a command like:

cp ~ca219/spec95/tomcatv/TOMCATV.MODEL .

As an example consider the go benchmark, being run (using sim-profile) in a directory called "ca219" which is a sub-dir of your home directory, with output from the "go" program being ignored:

sim-profile -iclass ~ca219/spec95/go/go.ss 1 8 ~ca219/spec95/go/start8.in > /dev/null

When you run these programs, be patient as they can take some time to complete.