3055 TA ECE Klaus PC Lab Hours


Check Tsquare for the latest TA lab hours and updates.


The 3055 TAs will be in the Klaus ECE PC labs  (located near the classrooms in the instructional wing of the Klaus building)

Normally, they are found in the 1446 PC lab room during the times found on Tsquare.The 3055 TAs will have a sign above monitor that identifies them as a TA.


You will need to demo and explain your lab project to a TA. If you can’t demo a lab before the due date, submit an electronic copy via Tsquare before the deadline. The lab can them be demoed up to 10 days past the due date. Late labs count 10% off per day late with the weekend counting as one day. Periodically, automatic plagiarism detection algorithms are used to check lab assignments. The TAs grade your lab projects and return your weekly quizzes.


3055 Lab TAs for Fall 2011


Mekre Mesganaw [MekreMesganaw@gatech.edu]


Saurabh Pandey [saurabh.pandey@gatech.edu]