# # ECE 3055 Lab 1 (put your name here) # Version for PCSPIM software # declare and reserve space for data and variables after .data directive .data # string contants title: .asciiz "Program computes the sum of first N integers" prompt: .asciiz "Input an integer? " o_title: .asciiz "The answer is " # ascii string with carriage return and line feed (a newline) newline: .byte 10,13,00,00 # force address back to word boundary after putting bytes in memory .align 2 # integer variables n: .word 0 sum: .word 0 # #instructions appear after .text directive .text main: # Print out program description # puts title li $v0,4 la $a0,title syscall # Print out carriage return and line feed # putc '\n' li $v0,4 la $a0,newline syscall # Print out carriage return and line feed # putc '\n' li $v0,4 la $a0,newline syscall # Prompt user for input # puts prompt li $v0,4 la $a0,prompt syscall # Read in an integer, N # geti $a0 li $v0,5 syscall add $a0,$v0,$zero # # Program to compute Sum # # count = 0; xor $a1,$a1,$a1 # sum = 0; xor $a2,$a2,$a2 # loop: sum = sum + count loop: add $a2,$a2,$a1 # count = count + 1 addi $a1,$a1,1 # if count <= N then goto loop ble $a1,$a0,loop # save result (some registers will be destroyed by puts call) sw $a2,sum # Print out carriage return and line feed # putc '\n' li $v0,4 la $a0,newline syscall # Print out output title string # puts o_title li $v0,4 la $a0,o_title syscall # Load result lw $a0,sum # Print out result # puti $a0 li $v0,1 syscall # Print out carriage return and line feed # putc '\n' li $v0,4 la $a0,newline syscall # End program and return to simulator # done li $v0,10 syscall