ECE 2036                                                                                                                   Spring 2015

Lab 5: Complex, Matrix, RealMatrix, and ComplexMatrix classes

Assigned: March 14, 2015                                                      Section B: Due March 30, 2015

Section A: Due March 31, 2015

In this lab, you will use C++ to perform calculations using complex numbers and complex matrices.  You must write classes containing overloaded operators to achieve the following:

·       a Complex class which stores the real and imaginary parts of a complex number as double private data members, whose overloaded operators can

o   input and output complex numbers

o   add a real (double) number to a complex number, and vice versa

o   add two complex numbers

o   multiply a real (double) number by a complex number, and vice versa

o   multiply two complex numbers

·       a RealMatrix class which stores the real (double) matrix elements of a real matrix and a ComplexMatrix class which stores the Complex matrix elements of a complex matrix, whose overloaded operators and functions can

o   input and output real and complex matrices

o   multiply a real matrix by a complex matrix, and vice versa

o   multiply two complex matrices

We could store a real matrix as a complex matrix with zero imaginary parts, but that would waste memory.  It is more efficient to store only the real matrix elements of real matrices. However, the RealMatrix and ComplexMatrix objects are both matrices, and the two classes have some identical data members and functions.  Therefore, you will be coding four classes with overloaded operators: a Complex class to store and manipulate a complex number, an abstract Matrix class, a RealMatrix class which inherits from Matrix and stores purely real matrices, and a ComplexMatrix class which inherits from Matrix and stores complex matrices. In addition to inheritance, you must also use composition and polymorphism; i.e. the ComplexMatrix class must include a private data member which is a 2d array or vector of Complex objects, and a Matrix reference or pointer must be compatible with both RealMatrix and ComplexMatrix objects .  You must also write the standalone function inputMatrix, which reads and interprets the user inputted matrix as described in more detail below.

The code you write should be contained in at least seven files, named as follows: Complex.h, RealMatrix.h, and ComplexMatrix.h, which will contain the class definitions; and Complex.cpp, Matrix.cpp, RealMatrix.cpp, and ComplexMatrix.cpp, which will contain the function implementations.  You may choose to place inputMatrix in its own separate file.  I have provided a Matrix.h file containing a Matrix class definition, and a main.cpp file which is designed to test the functionality of your classes.  You can download these files here:

You can modify Matrix.h as desired, it is only a ‘suggestion’.  However, for purposes of the check-off you must use an unmodified copy of main.cpp. Feel free to modify main.cpp as needed while coding and testing your classes.  When possible, you should write and test a single function at a time, so I recommend commenting out most of main.cpp and uncommenting only the parts that utilize the class components that you have already written.  Alternatively, you could write your own main.cpp to test your classes.  During check-off, the TA will compile the combined program (my main.cpp and plus the eight class files) and test that it provides the correct output in response to values they input.  Sample output is provided below; obviously the TA or grader will use different inputs when testing your code.

Input and output

For full credit, you must write your input functions (the overloaded >> operator in the case of Complex class, the inputMatrix function in the case of the matrix classes) to be able to accept input similar to Matlab.  A complex number should be entered by the user in the form x + i y or x – i y, insensitive to extra spaces.  A complex or real matrix should be entered by the user inside square brackets, with rows separated by semicolons, in the form [ x1 ±  i y1    x2  ±  i y2    x3  ±  i y3 ;  x4  ±  i y4     x5  ±  i y5     x6  ±  i y6   ] , which would create a 2 x 3 matrix of complex numbers.  This should also be insensitive to extra spaces, and if the user wants to enter a purely real number they should be able to entirely omit the imaginary part.  If the user enters a matrix whose elements are all entirely real, your code must automatically store this as a RealMatrix object; otherwise matrices should be stored as ComplexMatrix objects.  However, you do NOT need to perform input checking to ensure the user has entered proper data; we will make the (foolish) assumption that the user knows what they’re doing.  The only input checking that must be done is ensuring that the number of columns of the first matrix entered equals the number of rows of the second matrix entered so that they can be multiplied, but this has already been written for you in main.cpp.  

The complex and complex matrix outputs must be neat and readable.

Checking off

Please demonstrate your code for the TA or grader by the end of office hours on the due date. Bring your checkoff sheet with your name already written at the top.  If there are students waiting to checkoff in Klaus 1446 at the end of office hours on the due date, the grader or TA will write down the names of the waiting students on a list.  Those students will then upload their completed code to t-square, and they will have three days afterwards to visit office hours, download their (unmodified) code, and demonstrate it for the grader or TA.

Sample output from completed code (user input indicated in red)

Initial variable values:

c1 = 1 + i5, c2 = 0 + i0


Please enter complex number c3, in the format X + iY, or X - iY: 4.2 + i 0.25

You entered c3 = 4.2 + i0.25

Please enter a double precision number d1: 7.1

d1 + c3 = 11.3 + i0.25

c3 + d1 = 11.3 + i0.25


d1 * c3 = 29.82 + i1.775

c3 * d1 = 29.82 + i1.775


Please enter another complex number c4, in the format X + iY, or X - iY: -3.7 - i 22.1

c3 + c4 = 0.5 - i21.85

c3 * c4 = -10.015 - i93.745


Please enter the first matrix to be multiplied:

[ 0.55 -2 ; 2 + i 8  -1.1 + i 2; 56.1 - i 13.3 9 ]

The matrix you entered was:

      0.55 + i0        -2 + i0

         2 + i8      -1.1 + i2

      56.1 - i13.3      9 + i0

Please enter the second matrix to be multiplied:

[ 77.1 + i6 3.5 90 -i 10; 32 33 - i0.01 10 ]

The matrix you entered was:

      77.1 + i6       3.5 + i0        90 - i10

        32 + i0        33 - i0.01     10 + i0

The product of the two matrices is:

   -21.595 + i3.3      -64.075 + i0.02    29.5 - i5.5

        71 + i692.8    -29.28 + i94.011    249 + i720

   4693.11 - i688.83   493.35 - i46.64     5006 - i1758

The memory allocated for the matrix has been deleted.

The memory allocated for the matrix has been deleted.

The memory allocated for the matrix has been deleted.