Using the ARM/Keil Tools C/C++ compiler with mbed at Georgia Tech


For software development, the easy-to-use mbed cloud compiler that runs in any web browser is used by the vast majority of students.




Offline Compiler for Advanced Users


Projects from the cloud compiler can also be exported to the offline compiler. Hardware breakpoints will work in the offline compiler with a firmware update for the mbed module. It only runs on Windows OS PCs. The offline compiler takes a bit more time and effort and it will take a couple hours to setup and carefully read of the instructions, but it supports breakpoints for debugging complex programs. It supports just about any microprocessor on the planet, so a lot more compiler and project settings are needed than in the cloud compiler which defaults to mbed settings. For the offline compiler, download the free demo version (<32K code size) of the ARM/Keil MDK compiler and follow all of the instructions to install new drivers and update firmware on the mbed module.


To enable the offline compiler’s full features (i.e., switch from the demo version to the full $3K commercial version), you must start the compiler and then connect over the network using VPN with your GT password to Georgia Tech’s FlexLM license server. VPN should not be needed on an on campus ECE lab PC. Use File->License Management ->FlexLM. Then set the FLEX server to and the full version will be enabled.


Demo breakpoints using this Cylon LED project code which can be imported to the cloud compiler. Instructions or how to setup/import/export projects in the offline compiler are available in the assembly language tutorial.